Sansei’s Human Rights Policy

Our Human Rights Policy applies to all Sansei officers and employees. To fulfill our commitment to human rights in business activities, we ask all business partners to understand and support this policy.

Respect for Human Rights

We understand that our business activities may have an impact on human rights, and we respect human rights as outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We will also follow the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in conducting our business.

We will understand and comply with the laws and rules relevant to our operations in all countries and regions where we conduct business activities.

  • We respect human rights and the diversity of individuals and do not tolerate discrimination based on nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, ideology, gender, age, disability, or any other factors, harassment, forced labor, child labor, or modern slavery such as human trafficking.
  • We will respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining by following the laws and rules applicable in the countries and regions where we do business and comply with all laws and regulations concerning working hours and wages.
  • We will create a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with laws and rules concerning workplace safety and health.
  • We will promote gender equity and focus on creating a work environment where all employees can maximize their individuality and demonstrate their full potential.
  • We recognize that our business activities may impact on human rights in local communities, including land rights, access to water, health, and indigenous peoples’ rights, and we will work with our business partners, suppliers, and stakeholders to fulfill our human rights responsibilities in the communities in which we operate.
  • We have established a system and contact point for employees of the group, business partners and suppliers (in person or by proxy) who have suffered from human rights violations to report at any time, and we will not engage in any prejudicial treatment of employees or other stakeholders who report such violations. We will also make every effort to manage personal information and maintain confidentiality.
  • We will provide internal training and education to ensure that our Human Rights Policy is widely understood and complied with.
  • We will continuously monitor the status of compliance with the Human Rights Policy and make improvements as necessary. We will disclose our efforts through our website and other means of communication.

Grievance Mechanism

All stakeholders who are or may be affected by our business activities, including our officers and employees, as well as their families and business partners, can report concerns regarding business activities, including negative impacts on human rights. Anonymous consultation and reporting are accepted, and the utmost consideration is given to the privacy and confidentiality of the person consulting with or reporting the incident.

Please email the following items to the dedicated address, if you would report.

The person in charge will contact you within two weeks of receiving the report about the future process.

  • Name (anonymous is also acceptable)
  • Affiliation or relationship to our company
  • Preferred contact e-mail, phone number, or mailing address
  • Content of the report

January 01, 2024
Sansei Corporation
CEO Naoki Showa
