Opportunities for Official Development Assistance (ODA)

MC-Cube is made of ISO standard containers which can be transported by container ships and by trailers on land. Therefore, outdoor medical facilities can be set up easily without large-scale construction works.
This feature is well received by developing countries.
MC-Cube is a good candidate to be adopted under the ODA scheme by Japanese Government.
Radiology Technical Supports
Remote Interpretation of Radiograms

Sansei has a partnership with RTIC (Radiological Technology International Cooperation Academy). At the time of introduction of the MC-Cube with CT Scanner, Sansei with radiology specialists of RTIC can offer technical supports including lectures and practical skills of CT examinations.
Sansei is capable to offer telemedicine supports, as well. The remote interpretation of radiograms is a typical example. Sansei has a partnership with RaPID who is specialized in interpretation of radiograms.
You may take images by the CT Scanner installed in a MC-Cube in your country and send these to Japan via internet. Images are interpreted in Japan, and the results are reported back to you.

MICRO HOSPITAL built with a combination of Prefab and Container units.

MICRO HOSPITAL built with a combination of Prefab and Container units.